posted 12/13/11
mood: peeved

GUYS! so i was doing some exploring in the woods just doin my usual walk and you wont BELIEVE what i found!! you ready???? ok SO it was like in this little ditch thing that the local kids used to play in and like i kinda fell in? i have bad balance and stuff but ANYWAY i slipped onto my butt and i could see this weird lump in the ditch when i got up! so i walked over to it tryin not to fall over more but when i checked it out?? it was a freaking severed foot!!!! it looked like an apes foot and it was so freaky! i kinda freaked out cause i heard some shuffling in the bush at the top of the ditch so i ran away and went home but im gonna try go out back to the woods and find it again so i can study it!!!!!!! anyway, this has led me 2 believe that there might be a colony of bigfoot (bigfeet?) in the woods where i live, and maybe one of them had a run in with a hunter! i'll put up some signs asking ppl to NOT ATTACK THEM!!! seriously dont these guys know that theyre more afraid of us than we are of them?? theyre totally peaceful and PLUS the woods are THEIR territory, even if they did attack us itd be totally justified cuz we're invading their homes...


sunrisinglove - 12/13/11
woaaaa, freaky 0_o... hope i dont run into one

WEIRD.EARTH - 12/13/11
its ok theyre not mean!!!