posted 12/15/11
mood: confuzzled
okay so does any1 think its suspicious that aallll of these conspiracy theories are based around area 51??? it feels like a diversion right? super freaky!!!!!!!!!!!!
um. thats all. i kno its a short post for today but like i just cant stop thinking about this!!! 0_o also did u guys hear that the one model has a blog now???? super cool!!!!!!!!!!! im wondering if shes gonna just post pics or if itll be like a daily life thing... i think she should talk about aliens. i wonder if shes encountered any??? but i also wonder about what her life is like.. she probably has like 28498 boyfriends >.> im almost jealous
rosegoldgames - 12/15/11
You shouldn't gossip about celebrities so much... I think we should be satisfied with our own lives!
WEIRD.EARTH - 12/15/11
ahhhh i guess ur right.. guess u have games to focus on rather than celebs? xD